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Welcome to the Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.) information and support network!
We are here to help you make informed decisions on your care and explore ways to manage this disease so you can live a better quality of life.
It can be done!
What is Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.)
P.A.D. is a narrowing of the arteries which occurs in the peripherals, mainly the legs, caused by plaque build-up.
Symptoms include leg pain, leg cramps, tingling, neuropathy, skin discoloration, non-healing foot sores. Click HERE to check your symptoms.
Risk Factors:
Risk factors include age, heredity, diabetes, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure.
Some physicians may misdiagnose it as a symptom of aging, peripheral neuropathy, sciatica, even gout. It's important for a physician to rule out P.A.D. with symptoms of leg pain, tingling, numbness, cramping, discoloration.
Your physician may order an Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) test, which uses blood pressure cuffs to measure the blood pressure on your legs versus that of your arms or an artery ultrasound. An ABI test can offer a false normal result if your vessels are highly calcified and diabetic. If you are experiencing symptoms such as leg pain, leg cramps, numbness, tingling, or have a non-healing ulcer on your foot, ask for a follow-up ultrasound.
P.A.D. is treatable with medicine, walking, intervention, and surgery. A regimented walking program is frontline therapy as it accelerates your body's ability to expand a smaller network of vessels to re-route flow around narrowed arteries.
P.A.D. Specialists:
Your physician will send you to a P.A.D. Specialist. It can be either a Vascular Surgeon, Interventional Radiologist, Interventional Cardiologist, or Vascular Medicine doctor. Each practice and physician may have different tools and techniques they use to treat narrowed blood vessels. Each will tell you they 'treat P.A.D.,' but each may specialize in a specific area of the body or type of treatment, conservative (medicine/lifestyle modifications, minimally invasive (endovascular) or surgical (bypass/amputation). Before any procedure, it's important to get a second opinion to understand all available options.
Caught early, P.A.D. is treatable to slow progression of disease. Left untreated, it could lead to heart attack, stroke, and amputation. The key is to understand your risk factors so you can seek early diagnosis and treatment.
Do you want to talk with someone about P.A.D?
You are welcome to call our care team now!
Our care team provides more resources and speaks with more P.A.D. patients and caregivers than any other organization in the world.
or email to set-up a video chat!
We provide real-time Support!- Do you have questions about symptoms?
- Do you have questions about your diagnosis/treatment options?
- Do you need help finding a frontline vascular specialist in your area or a second opinion?
- Do you need help with diet, exercise, or smoking cessation?
Don't wait! Call now for free support!
If you get voicemail, leave a message and we will get back to you ASAP!
P.A.D. is Peripheral Artery Disease, but when we stand with you in this journey, it transforms into:
Perseverance Adaptability Determination
We are with you every step of the way from diagnosis & treatment to long-term management.
Know that you are not alone in this journey!
Not Sure if You Have PAD?
The Global PAD Association is a Supporting Partner in the Get A Pulse On PAD Campaign, which offers this helpful video and a downloadable toolkit:
What Patients Say About Our Help!